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“Passing” by Nella Larsen: An Analysis

  “Passing” by Nella Larsen: An Analysis by Willow V.  Hello! This is an assignment that I did for my Harlem Renaissance American Literature class. This essay is my own original work.            In Nella Larsen’s “Passing” a Black woman named Irene Redfield, who is usually seen as “an Italian, a Spaniard, a Mexican, or a gipsy. Never, when she was alone, had they even remotely seemed to suspect that she was a Negro” (Larsen), finds out that her childhood friend, Clare Kendry, has been passing as White after seeing her in Chicago for the first time in 12 years. There are 3 sections of the novella; Encounter, Re-Encounter, and Finale. The first section, Encounter, includes the event in Chicago mentioned above, along with Irene being invited to visit Clare at her hotel in Chicago where Clare Kendry and her extremely racist husband, John Bellew. Mr. Bellew has absolutely no idea that Clare isn’t actually White, and calls her “Nig” because “When we wer...

Advice For Incoming Freshmen

Hello hello! Today I will share my friends and my best advice for incoming high school freshmen. Before we begin, please read my disclaimer policy and my privacy policy

  1. Do not skip class. Ask yourself why you want to skip class. Is it really worth damaging your education? If it's because you hate the teacher/students there, talk to your counselor. If it's because someone is telling you to, don't do it and cut that person off. They do not have your best interests in mind. 
  2. Write down your class schedule and put it on your lock screen. You will totally get lost or be late on your first day, but I did not thanks to this. Get a map of your school and class schedule, write down how you get there, and add your lunchtime. Make sure you include room numbers. 
  3. Don't be embarrassed to ask for help. If you need help with getting places, homework, classwork, studying, etc. please ask for it. If you need help you need it, there's absolutely no shame in asking for it. You may even be able to help someone else in the process. 
  4. Stand up against bullies! If someone is being racist, misogynistic, homophobic, ableist, or just bigoted in any way, stand up against them. Document and report everything. Write down who did/said what, when it happened, the day it happened, where it happened, who was there, and anything else that might be helpful. Yes, they may come after you, but if no one does anything about what happens it will just get worse and someone might do something that affects the whole school. You know what I'm talking about. And don't just think that someone else will do something. They will not. Read about the bystander effect and you'll get why I say that. 
  5. Take notes on everything. Write down everything on those PowerPoint slides, everything in the packet, and everything on the board. Paraphrase everything but definitions and things the teachers tell you to write down. If they tell you to write it down it's definitely important. 
  6. There will be drama. There always has been drama, there is drama, and there always will be drama. Do your best to avoid drama and stay focused and in your lane. Chose peace over drama but not peace over justice. 
  7. Compliment people!!!!! You never know who needs it, it could make someone's day. It's also a very good way to make friends. 
  8. Be nice!!!!! Sit with that lonely kid! Wave at people in the hallways! Say good morning/good afternoon when you walk into class!!! Be nice!!! 
  9. Find some sort of study method! For me, Quizlet (not sponsored) flashcards work the best (yes I know I'm boring). Maybe for you rewriting notes works best. Try out different methods until you find the right one for you. 
  10. Romanticize school! Romanticize life! Whether you believe it or not school can be cool. Dress up nice, bring your headphones, read books when you have nothing to do because this is your life and YOU are the main character. 
  11. Be nice to teachers and staff! They're overworked, underpaid, and definitely underappreciated. They could get you into college or help you when you need it. They might even give you an extension for no reason. (I make no promises on that) 
  12. Find a way to cope. There will always be times in life when you feel stressed, overwhelmed, anxious, and even depressed. You'll need to find some way to deal with it. There's no shame in asking for help. There are plenty of people out there just suffering in pain because they don't want to ask for help, and there are people like me who are getting better because they asked for help. Find multiple things that can help you, because you won't be able to use your favorite coping mechanism all the time. 
  13. Breakfast really is the most important meal. Please trust me on this, eating in the morning can really make or break your day. If your stomach hurts too much or you're in a rush (you should always make time for eating) bring some snacks so you can keep going throughout the day. 
  14. Please bring water. Drinking energy drinks and coffee all day is not ok. You need hydration. I understand being tired and needing coffee but don't bring those to school, and don't have more than 2. Your body needs water. You need water. 
  15. Join clubs! They can help you make friends with common interests and goals, and if you're consistent with them, it might help you get into college. 
  16. Be careful who you're friends with. Some people are genuinely bad, and they're ok with sharing that. Have compassion and be kind, but don't be friends with everyone. 
  17. Let other people speak. If you know the answer, raise your hand. But, if you've answered almost every question that day, please let someone else talk. 
Well, that's all for today friends. If you liked that and would like to see more. please subscribe to my email newsletter. Come back next week for more words from Willow! <3 


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