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“Passing” by Nella Larsen: An Analysis

  “Passing” by Nella Larsen: An Analysis by Willow V.  Hello! This is an assignment that I did for my Harlem Renaissance American Literature class. This essay is my own original work.            In Nella Larsen’s “Passing” a Black woman named Irene Redfield, who is usually seen as “an Italian, a Spaniard, a Mexican, or a gipsy. Never, when she was alone, had they even remotely seemed to suspect that she was a Negro” (Larsen), finds out that her childhood friend, Clare Kendry, has been passing as White after seeing her in Chicago for the first time in 12 years. There are 3 sections of the novella; Encounter, Re-Encounter, and Finale. The first section, Encounter, includes the event in Chicago mentioned above, along with Irene being invited to visit Clare at her hotel in Chicago where Clare Kendry and her extremely racist husband, John Bellew. Mr. Bellew has absolutely no idea that Clare isn’t actually White, and calls her “Nig” because “When we wer...

My Trip to Monterrey, Mexico!!!


This month, I took a 1 week trip to Monterrey, Mexico to visit family and explore the town. It was extremely hot and I ate so many tacos and burritos that I got tired of them, and if you know me in real life, you know that that's practically impossible. 

This post will mainly be pictures because 1. my mom and I took many pictures and 2. I have a terrible memory, especially when it comes to trips. 

I first need to talk about my aunt's ancient dog, Nacho. 

Technically, he isn't ancient, but he is. He's 15 in human years, which means he's 76 in dog years, according to this calculator. 

The first thing we did after taking a full day of rest (which consisted of 2 long naps for me) was go to the Tres Museos. We only got to go to 2 of the 3 museums, which kinda sucks, but we still had an amazing time. 

I love this top so much I'd wear it to the grocery store. 

These 2 pictures are of clothes from the colonial era of Mexico (I think). 

I'm 99% sure this is a Catholic relic of sorts, not sure of the specifics because I do not speak Spanish and I was more focused on looking at cool stuff because that was all I could do. 

This is a skull that reminded me of Lana Del Rey. 

The next day we went to this dinosaur zoo place for my little brother. They had animatronic dinosaurs, birds, and a petting zoo! 

A big turtle (or tortoise don't quote me) with 2 little babies. 

Me petting a bunny (they had goats there too that kept eating the food when we tried to feed the bunnies). 

Me and a brachiosaurus! 

A pool of birds. 
That same day after shopping and walking so much that I almost passed out due to low blood sugar, we went to this place called Gaby's, and next to it, a heaven-sent pastry shop, Nopal's!!!!
That's my dad holding the platter lol. 

This is the donut I got! (The frosting was sour but it was a few days old when I ate it so that might've contributed.)

The next day, was the best day ever!!! I finally got to have my Quince party!!! My mom, my aunt, my dad, and my uncle all pitched in to do a HUGE at-home photoshoot for me. My mom didn't send me the pictures and I'm kinda happy about that because the shoot was 30+ minutes, had multiple prop changes, and had 4 outfits. We ended up with over 100 pictures (according to my mom) that my mom is going to be making photobooks out of. No, I am not joking at all. I'll make a separate post for all of my Quince stuff because it's just way too much for this one, but I can show you the cake. 
Apparently, it was supposed to be 3 tiers and have cupcakes but this was way more than enough. It was a vanilla and coconut sponge with strawberry jelly, vanilla buttercream, and a crown made of sugar. It was absolutely delicious. 
In case you're thinking "That wasn't a full week! Where's the rest?!" We arrived on Tuesday and used that as a rest day, then we had the 3 days I told you about, then an extra day of shopping, the day before leaving we spent packing and doing everything we needed to prepare for the flight back, and the next Tuesday, we left. So yeah it was a full week. Speaking of the flight back, I have some pictures from that too
A bird. In the Monterrey airport. 

Some lovely strawberry frozen yogurt topped with strawberries. 

Giant soda in Dallas. 

The bird, again. 
I hope you enjoyed reading this post, and if you did please subscribe to my email list and follow my Pinterest for the latest updates! Come back next week for more words from Willow!!! <3


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